Materialize Forms are build with Bootstrap 3 and Angular Js. Propeller is used to give forms material design touch and effect. Materialize is easy to integrate in your website. The data you get from forms are in json format which makes it more flexible for any website to use it.
Materialize comes with material colors and effect.
Angular Js is used with forms to make it fast and easy.
Bootstrap and Propeller is used to add material effects.
Bootstrap timepicker is used to get booking dates.
Bootstrap timepicker is used to get booking times.
Sliders are included to create multipurpose forms.
Stepper Js is used to creat only integer input forms.
Masking is done for different inputs to use in forms.
Materialize is completely responsive and user friendly.
More then 15 material colors are used to create forms.
Support related to materialize will be provided.
Future updates will be provided free of cost.
More demos coming soon.